ColorSave Technology
Introducing a Color Multifunction Printer that can print and copy in color for almost the same cost as a black and white printer. With HP ColorSave, you can reduce your color printing and copying costs by as much as 90%!
Use ColorSave technology for your everyday business, educational, institutional, or even personal printing and copying requirements and save big on your color printing costs. Why print in full color for internal company meetings and document proofs? Why expend color toner when only at the proof/production stage, or with documents not meant for the customer? ColorSave now gives you the option of printing with a less saturated color, or in black and white. Use it when proofing documents. Use it when black and white just does not get the point across and you need just a little bit of color. Use it for any color printing and copying where color is needed but it does not need to be the highest quality. Switch to HP ColorSave and start saving today!